linux mint (ubuntu 20.3) 安装VSCODE + EIDE 找不到mono
安装了 mono , 在终端窗口下执行 mono, 使用正常
但在EIDE中,却找不到mono, 终端输出如下:
Executing task in folder f103: mono /home/joe/.eide/bin/builder/bin/unify_builder -b /home/joe/.eide/tools/gcc_arm -M arm.gcc.model.json -p /home/joe/puerce/projects/chasing/box/f103/build/Monitor/builder.params -m Normal-MULTHREAD <
/bin/bash:行1: mono:未找到命令
The terminal process "/bin/bash '-c', 'mono /home/joe/.eide/bin/builder/bin/unify_builder -b /home/joe/.eide/tools/gcc_arm -M arm.gcc.model.json -p /home/joe/puerce/projects/chasing/box/f103/build/Monitor/builder.params -m Normal-MULTHREAD'" failed to launch (exit code: 127).
Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
另外查看 /home/joe/.eide/tools/gcc_arm/bin, 发现其中的gcc 居然还是 exe格式,因为我的开发系统是linux mint( 兼容ubuntu) , 更换为linux版的 arm-none-eabi-gcc , 也是不行, 仍然打不到 mono